Saturday 31 December 2011

Beginnings and Origins (and other such synonyms)

After a short hiatus to accommodate some not-at-all stressful university deadlines for the end of the first semester, and the holiday season, I shall return to (somewhat) regular posting in the new year, i.e. next week. This is just a quickie update to prove that I'm still alive. I do hope you all had a Merry Christmas, or fröhliche Weihnachten, or С Рождеством Хрисовым, or З Божым нараджэннем!

And also have a Happy New Year (prost Neujahr, С Новым Годом, З новым годам) for tonight or tomorrow or yesterday or whenever your country enters/entered 2012. Which takes care of the Beginnings.

Onto the Origins. This past week I bought Rayman Origins in a sale in GAME (having made a bit of a fuss in the middle of the shop about a pricing mistake). I got my first taster of the game at GAMEfest this past September and now I'm totally in love with it. In fact I'll likely be posting a gushing love letter to it on here in a matter of days.

And to close 2011 with another origin-themed... thing, I'll leave you with the intensely exciting first teaser trailer for Ridley Scott's upcoming Prometheus. Despite his denying that it's going to be an Alien-related film, there are some definite parallels in this teaser to Alien's original trailer, notably the title style, the sound, and the overall atmosphere. If this doesn't get your mouth watering for Scott's first sci-fi in 30 years, well then maybe you should rewatch Alien and Blade Runner and remind yourself just how good he can be.


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