Sunday 11 March 2012

Try and Keep Your Trousers On

Every once in an increasingly-rare while, some band or artist or ‘genius’ releases a piece of pure rock ‘n’ roll that just makes you wanna run out into the street and smash someone right in the jaw.
Case in point in 2012 – the Arctic Monkeys.

Coming off the back of Suck It and See, their 4th studio album (my favourite album of 2011), the British post-punkers are continuing their retro indie/psych/garage charge with their new non-album single "R U Mine?". Shame it’s non-album, really. I’m sure it would make an awesome album. I would buy that album. I would buy that album so hard, take it out to a nice seafood dinner, show it a good time...


I have played this track so many times over the last day or two. Cannot get enough of that filthy guitar. I would strongly advise you to go give it a listen. Or two. Or three. Or seven. And turn it up to LOUD.

Even if it’s 3 in the morning and everyone’s asleep.
Tear out those headphones.
Crank your speakers up to 11.
Rock out.

It’ll be good for your soulllll, man.

Here's the track, I'm not really sure how else to describe it:

Orgasmic? Is that too far? Probably...

It's true though.

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