Monday, 5 September 2011

New Wave, Old Game

Alright, here’s the first post with some actual content.


I’ve never really been a big fan of the Strokes. I bought their debut, Is This It, a while back and liked it, but I always thought it was a bit samey. But then I saw them live at Reading Festival a couple weeks back, and thought I’d give them another chance. So I borrowed their fourth and latest album, Angles, having heard and loved its first track, Machu Picchu.

To my surprise, I really enjoy it. It’s got more variation throughout than Is This It, and has a really interesting sound. Not to mention that it’s all kinds of New Wave-influenced. I mean just look at the album artwork. I like the fact that there’s some backing vocals present, ‘cause that’s always a selling point for me. Part of why I like bands like the Beatles and the Beach Boys – they always had great backing vocal tracks.

Also, I borrowed the CD off a friend - a certain friend who happens to be a huge, screaming fan of the Strokes. So this CD could come in handy as a potential bargaining tool if ever I need a morally-grey favour (“If you ever want to see Angles again...”).


So a day or two ago, I finally finished Resistance 2 on PS3. And only 2 and a half years after first starting the game...

Needless to say, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I initially hoped, hence the massive hiatus between sessions, punctuated by other, better games. Unwarranted changes from the first game, a not-that-interesting campaign, a lead character that I don’t really give much of a shit about...

BUT that’s not even what annoyed me about it. What annoyed me was the total unfairness of it. I’m not saying it was too difficult, but every time you run into a battle with a squad, the entire enemy force just aims for you. Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK. There’s like 20 freaking guys next to me that you could shoot instead of me, so that maybe I could move my arse out of cover for 5 seconds, long enough to shoot someone without my screen going red immediately.

And I’m not even exaggerating! There was one bit where I had to kill 3 gigantic cannon-wielding aliens, and as soon as I was in view, they all aim straight at me, completely ignoring the bunch of guys on their other side shooting them without argument. Funnily enough I died multiple times, because, unsurprisingly, 3 giant aliens with cannons can quite easily beat one puny human with a crappy shotgun.


But then I beat the game, and now the disc will probably never see the light of day again. 

I have to go.